Updated: July 24th 2022
Othalo media coverage
Since the startup in 2019 Othalo have had well over one hundred media and news articles about us and our technology, from podcasts, news articles and tv, all over the world.
- [21st July 2022]
How homes made from 100% recycled plastic can end Africa’s housing crisis
beautifulnews.com - [3rd July 2022]
CNN Chile
youtube.com - [6th July 2021]
This start-up in Norway is designing homes that can be made from plastic trash
weforum.org - [28th December 2021]
Norsk selskap skal hamle opp med både plastavfall og hjemløshet: – Vi bruker ett problem for å løse et annet problem. [NO]
næringslivnorge.no - [28th October 2021]
Σπίτια από ανακυκλωμένο πλαστικό: Το φιλόδοξο εγχείρημα μίας νορβηγικής start-up [GR]
moneyreview.gr - [18th August 2021]
Hus byggda av återvunnen plast [SE]
warpnews.se - [23rd February 2021]
Othalo – The Future of Housing
podplay.com - [21st January 2021]
This Norwegian start-up wants to build houses out of 100% recycled plastic
greenexecutive.com - [24th November 2020]
This Norwegian start-up wants to build houses out of 100% recycled plastic
weforum.org - [24th November 2020]
This Norwegian Start-Up Wants To Build Houses Out of 100% Recycled Plastic
ecowatch.com - [November 2020]
Othalo – La Startup que Quiere Construir una Comunidad Entera con Plástico [ES]
themonopolitan.com - [28th October 2020]
Plastic homes as a solution to global waste
lsnglobal.com - [6th Ocotober 20210]
UN-Habitat aims to use plastic waste to support housing for all
unhabitat.org - [4tn December 2020]
Plastic Waste Recycle: Othalo Building Tech to create demonstrator homes in Nairobi
October 5th 2020
UN Habitat partners with Norwegian startup
Plans to build millions of affordable homes using recycled plastic. In connection with the World Habitat Day 2020, on October 5 & 6, UN Habitat launches its partnership with the Norwegian startup Othalo. Othalo has developed a patented technology that makes it possible to produce building elements from 100% recycled plastic.
October 5th 2020
FN inngår partnerskap med norsk startup
Planlegger å bygge millioner av lavkostboliger av resirkulert plast.
I forbindelse med UN Habitat Day den 5. oktober, lanserer FN sitt partnerskap med den norske startup’en Othalo. Othalo har utviklet en patentert teknologi som gjør det mulig å produsere bygningselementer av 100% resirkulert plast.